Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Sunday, September 11, 2011


5 Rounds
5 Power Cleans (135#)
10 Front Squats (135#)
5 Push Jerks (135#)
20 Pull Ups
Rest 90 Seconds in between each round.
U.S. Army First Sergeant Michael "Hammer" Bordelon, 37, of Morgan City, LA, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division (Stryker Brigade Combat Team),based out of Fort Lewis, WA, died on May 10, 2005, from injuries sustained when a car bomb exploded near him in Mosul, Iraq on April 23,2005.
In honor of all the troops and Americans who died during and after 9/11 we will be doing a hero wod every day this week.
Also, I have just ordered some WOD books for the gym. You may buy them as soon as they get here.

1 comment:

  1. 35/15 chris 2225
    35 sue 2231
    55 gordon 2415
    55 jessica 2920
    55 lyndsay 2700
    rnd 135 ryanW 2519
    105 ray 3428
    120 rachel 3201
    row 4k marissa 2448
    65 tiff 2418
    105 gary 5250
    155 dug 2349
    65 becca 2927
    55 sunny 3100
    120 byron 3158
    65 dallas 3344
    35 cindyH 3534
    145 eric 2400
    55 cindyT 2452
    65 shawn 2507
    55 christy 2830
    55 amanda 3123
    115 LT 3123
    55 toni 2324
    55 peggy 3631
    rx brian 2503
    55 sharolyn 2241
    115 pete 2800
    65 kim 2656
    75 brody 2858
