12 Minute AMRAP
100 Mountain Climbers
75 Double Unders (or 300 singles )
50 Sit Ups
25 Front Squats 115/65
You have 12 minutes to complete as many reps as possible. If you have finished every exercise (250 reps) and still have time remaining. You will return to the beginning (starting w/ mountain climbers) and continue until the 12 minutes are up. Good luck and have fun...
55 bridgett 335
ReplyDeleterx clayton 278
rx whitney 279
35 sue 292
35 rox 212
55 jessica 300
65 gordon 329
35 jessie 405
35 jan 305
85 ray 451
rx rachel 479
rx doug 390
rx chris 400
35 rona 362
rx tony 504
rx ryanW 450
rx brody 366
rx chad 341
rx kelsey 417
rx tyler 340
45 toni 360
rx kathy 350
45 shelli 450
rx shawn 340
5 cindy 365
80 bill 362
rx byron 478
95 skull 403
rx bradW 330
rx donna 425
rx faith 400