Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Sunday, May 20, 2012

WOD 052112

20 Minute AMRAP
5 Pull Ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
Congratulations Erik for coming in 3rd in his competition!!!!! We are all so proud of you.
Less than a month to sign up for our raft trip. Invite anyone you want. It is always a blast! Only 21 spots left. Everything is provided for but the lunch.

1 comment:

  1. rx becca 368
    rx whitney 300
    rx clayton 347
    mod bridgett 367
    rx justin 327
    jessie 314
    jessica 273
    sue 405
    rox 210
    carlyann 330
    jan 397
    courtney 391
    rx gordon 450
    rx josh 301
    sharon 270
    rx erik 400
    rx derek 675
    rx rachel 631
    rx ray 390
    rx scott 630
    rx doug 654
    rx chris 360
    rx tyler 601
    rx kelsey 430
    rx brody 561
    rx ryanW 691
    rx cindy 390
    rx lyndsay 390
    shawn 465
    christy 450
    bradW 371
    donna 340
    james 450
    tony 600
    rx chad 605
    pete 377
    sharolyn 375
    jeff 367
