Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Becca!!!

Partner WOD
5 Rounds
5 Wall Sprints
While One partner does wallballs the other partner runs 5 wall sprints. Runner relieves wallballer while wallballer begins his 4 wall sprints. Partners count total wallballs at end of 5 rounds. Runner must tap wallballer before wallballer begins to run.
One minute Rest
5 Rounds
5 Wall Sprints
Same method applies as with wallballs. Partners counts total kettlebells swung together.
One Minute Rest
5 Rounds
5 Wall to Wall sprints
Same method applies as with above rounds.
Do this for time and write down reps for wallballs, kettlebells and burpees.

1 comment:

  1. becca/pete 424/2923
    brooke/jessica 403/3153
    jan/sharon 437/2713
    doug/deny 421/2438
    josh/ray 496/2856
    toni/rachel 409/2954
    kelsey/brody 438/2705
    chad/courtney 477/630
    ryanW/bill 469/2435
    ryanR/gabi 315/826
    LT/christy 480/3104
    peg/maryAnn 431/3053
    meg/brad 339/2915
    donna/jahvanna/stevie 446/3010
    serona/kodi 443/3527
