Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

WOD 110112

4 Rounds
10 Toes to Bar
Lunge to opposite wall from pullup bars where your bar is set up
10 Snatches
Lunge to far door
Run 400M
Sorry for short notice but...
This Saturday, 6:00 P.M. we will be having a strongman competitor come in and teach us Atlas Stone Techniques. Militants are free, visitors are $10 for the class. Bring money for pizza and BYOB and we will light a campfire afterwards and hang out. Please sign up on the whiteboard so we can get a head count. Tell anyone who might be interested.
Also...We will be having a concealed weapons class at The Box soon. No definate date but please sign up on the whiteboard by playroom if you're interested in getting certified. we will have a definate date soon.

1 comment:

  1. 95 clayton 2923
    35 whitney 2753
    45 jeff 2824
    45 bridgett 3439
    25 jan 2649
    25 sharon 2938
    15 brooke 2856
    65/45 jessica 3158
    45 rox 4031
    135 doug 2229
    45 BBB 2535
    35 VBB 2536
    135 scottie 2627
    35 megan 2613
    135 derek 2103
    115 josh 1636
    95 brody 2138
    100 ryanW 1643
    65 ray 2258
    115 chad 2211
    30DB kelsey 1820
    45 kim 2617
    135 chrisMc 2654
    45 byron 1726
    45 christyD 2340
    95 LT 2702
    15 serona 3301
    35 sharolyn 2814
