Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

WOD 030613

Run/Row 1 Mile
3 Rounds
7 Deadlifts #315/205
8 Muscle Ups
9 Squat Cleans #165/115
Don't forget, everything is scaleable....That means lighter deadlifts, muscle-up progressions or ring rows and dips and lighter squat cleans. Don't let the numbers scare you.
2 More weeks until our St. Paddy's Day WOD. We have our shirts for sale, 1 for $20 or 2 for $30, buy one get one half off. Once again the St. Paddy's Day WOD will be on a Friday, which is March 15th. It will be like our Valentines Day WOD but you don't have to bring money for food. I'll make a huge pot of Corned Beef and Cabbage and you can bring a desert or a side dish and bring what you want to drink for you and your kids. We don't eat until after the workout of course.

1 comment:

  1. 315/rx/135 clayton 4214
    315/prog/95 jeff 3156
    85/mod/65 leAnn 3900
    105/mod 35 mel 3102
    105/mod/35 nic 3400
    205/115 rachel 3757
    175/85 whit 3800
    115/85 becca 3811
    135/mod/65 rona 3046
    133/mod/75 bridgett 2731
    205/mod/36 rox 48
    135/mod/45 brooke 4955
    rx/prog/rx BBB 5130
    235/prog/135 ryanR 5719
    135/25 jessica 5840
    315/prog/95 ray 4305
    205/115 bill 2020
    tony 2134
    rx derek 2444
    205/rx/115 tyler 2748
    rx ryanW 3335
    brody 3055
    rx doug 3614
    james 3308
    75/mod/35 stacey 3330
    85/mod/40 serona 3230
    135/mod/115 bradW 3550
    95/65 stevie 3736
    165/85 jacob 4708
    165/prog/65 dallas 3741
