Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

WOD 102611

Push Press
GHD Back Ext.
4 more days until the Party!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. 95->195 (progressed weight every round) tony 2328
    65 jessica 4411
    45 toni 1716
    95 rach 2246
    95->195 dug ??
    20 sue 2615
    45->125 ryanW 2716
    65 becca 2907
    95 byron 2830
    65 tiff 3613
    35 rona 4050
    65 (hang clean) ray 2209
    65 kathy 2430
    45 christy 1808
    95 chris 2513
    65 kim 2825
    115/95 LT 2918
    75 brody 2346
    95 mike 2000
    95 erik 2700
    65 shar 3119
