Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Monday, October 3, 2011

WOD 10311

Warm up
400m Run
10 Push ups
20 KB Swings
30 Squats
40 Double unders

3 Rounds
12 Box Jumps
12 Jerks
12 Burpees

Max Reps of Pull ups in 2 minutes


  1. 75 tiff 1240 22pu
    75 shawn 1333 23pu
    kelsey 846 31pu
    35 courtney 1200 40pu
    75 kim 1433 25pu
    75 whitney 1719 26pu-assist
    135 chris 916 20pu
    65 christy 900 33pu
    75 brody 1149 31pu
    35 roxy 1205 49pu
    95 bob 1328 30pu
    65 sharol 1501 31pu
    55 gabi 1554 35pu
    85 dallas 1935 24pu
    165 mike 1631 27pu

  2. 85 Jessica 1630 13pu
    165 Tony 1101 44pu
    85 Ray 1051 28pu
    65 Gordon 1226 27pu
    165 Erik 1847 48pu
    25 Sue
