Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Monday, November 28, 2011

WOD 112911

Diane meets Elizabeth
Deadlift 225/155
Handstand Push Up
Power Clean 135/95
Ring Dips
Welcome to The Box James!
I will be coaching a 5:30 A.M. class on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, starting this Wednesday. If you would like to start coming at that time or know someone who likes to get up crazy early, please join us.


  1. cleans
    back squats
    calf raises
    leg press

    sweat session 1 hr
    abs (lots of abs)
    jump roping

  2. rx tony 1713
    jessica 2854
    courtney 1830
    rx du/ pushups dug 1920
    115/75 lyndsay 2018
    (dif. wod) scott ??
    55/24 sue 1821
    gordon 2106
    185/115 gary 3442 DNF
    185/115 rachel 3054
    95/65 brooke 2128
    rx ryanW 2349
    145/95 nicole 2630
    145/95 kimT 2611
    205/135 chad 3024
    185/135 chris 1710
    115/65 christy 2055
    rx RyanR 2125
    185/115 james 2055
    225/95 ray 2156
    145/65 kathy 2506
    145/65 gabi 2510
    rx erik 2854
    145/95 brody 2432

    Jan-16 Rounds
    95/35 kim 164895/35 carol 1649
    115/75 becca 1908
    rx byron 3312
    rx mike 3312
