Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

WOD 020212

5 Rounds
1 Rope Climb
10 Clean and Jerks
25 Double Unders
Congratulations Whitney for getting your pull-ups!!!
Bring your long socks and your long pants for the rope climbs.
It's that time of month again...dues. If you bought a shirt just put it in with the dues money.

1 comment:

  1. 45 bridgett 2050
    70 david 2245
    75 miguel 2736
    55 rona 2815
    45 marisa 3500
    70 clayton 3508
    65 whitney 3458
    15 DB marissa DNF
    55 annie 2300
    65 jessica 2330
    mod 80 courtney 2349
    135 ryanR 1805
    35 jan 2603
    115 chris 1609
    155 tony 1725
    135 erik 2613
    95 derek 1600
    95 chad 1315
    135 ryanW 1637
    65 bradW 1750
    65 gordon 2036
    65 nicole 2001
    55 donna 2414
    115 tom 2430
    65 christy 1927
    95 gary 2148
    (50 singles)65 becca 1425
    115 byron 1629
    sam hyslop 1440
