Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Monday, January 2, 2012

WOD 010312

5 Rounds 10 Push Presses 20 Sit Ups 30 Double Unders Welcome to The Box Bridget, Cindy, Anita, MaryAnn and Brian. Attn: Militants...CrossFit Station is putting on a gym to gym competition that everyone can enter. If you are interested we will be posting the weekly wods on Fridays and doing it as a gym throughout the day. If you would like to join in the fun follow these instructions... go to...crosstownthrowdown push...register when you get to the first page do not sign up as a blog,to the right are blue words that say "sign in as a username only", push that. Sign in with a username and a password and your email address. Go into your email address to activate your account. When we do the workout you will post your score on the website. It's easy and fun and you must sign up this week to do it. There will be one workout every Friday until Feb. 18th when we gather at CrossFit Station in Eagle with all the CrossFit gyms in the valley and compete against them.

1 comment:

  1. 75 david 2058
    95 benny 2000
    35 bridget 2555
    50 marissa 2404
    50 whitney 3014
    75 miguel 2415
    35 jan 1750
    55 jessica 1740
    135 tony 846
    135 anthony 2203
    125/115 byron 1746
    45 toni 1449
    135 scottie 1030
    135 dug 1103
    115 rachel 1333
    45 annie 1219
    45 rona 1717
    65 lynds 1254
    85 brody 1805
    70 gordon 948
    30 sue 1445
    135 ericH 820
    85 nicole 1243
    55/45 brooke 1300
    135 ryanW 1416
    115 chad 1223
    75 kathy 1633
    85 kim 1636
    115 tom 1843
    MOD court 2153
    135 ryanR 1401
    85 bradW 2350
    65 donna 2817
    95 pete 1615
    65 dallas 1550
    3rnds-15 anita 1030
    3rnds-16 royanne 1500
    55 christy 112
    75 ray 926
    3rnds-45 brian 1048
    55 amanda 1359
    45 kenna 1450
    135 chris 1429
    65 gabi 1800
    3rnds-16 maryann1500
    75 becca 1614
    34 jellie 1758
    65 sharolyn 1732
    35 chelsey 2040
    135 mike 1836
