Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

WOD 012612

100 Box Jumps 100 Sit Ups 100 Air Squats 100 GHD Back Ext. Congratulations Marissa for getting your pullups! Awesome Fran time Tony! He got a 2:35!

1 comment:

  1. 7" bridgett 2839
    20" whitney 2540
    30" clayton 3644
    20" jonsey 1750
    7" jan 2206
    16/20 jessica 2618
    24" tony 1649
    12" annie 1730
    1/2 wod erik 1745
    +run marissa 2041
    chris 1507
    20" ray 1835
    20" kelsy 1548
    20" gary 1640
    donna 2011
    bradW 2025
    nicole 2051
    derik 2120
    30" luedd 2327
    (mod)tom 2518
    shawn 1757
    christy 1735
    kenna 1847
    kim 1751
    mike 2636
    shelli 1516
    mikeN 1836
    ant 1914
    kathy 2141
    dallas 1751
    brody 1718
    pete 1814
    sharolyn 1950
