Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Monday, January 9, 2012

WOD 011012

Twice around Bear Crawl Track 10 Manmakers 20 Burpees 30 Overhead Lunges 40 Box Jumps 50 Wall Balls 40 Jumping Pulls 30 Back Ext. 20 Kettle Bells 10 Wall to Wall Sprints Bodybuilding is much like any other sport. To be successful, you must dedicate yourself 100% to your training, diet and mental approach. Arnold Schwarzenegger Read more:

1 comment:

  1. 35/30/62 luedd 2224
    40/45/20/62 ryanR 2312
    bradW 2610
    vicki 2616
    25/16/40 donna s2741
    20/25/35 gabi 3330
    35/20 bennie 2338
    20 miguel 2612
    20 bobby DNF
    15 bridgett 3233
    20 clayton 3940
    25 david 2438
    10 jan 3000
    20 jessica 4400
    35 chris 2155
    15 amie 2250
    30 ray 2523
    35 gordon 2529
    ryanW 1749
    billR 1758
    allieH 1808
    sue 3240
    15 brooke 2021
    25/15 courtney 2631
    45/40 nicole 2636
    15/35 rona 2728
    40/45 chad 2640
    35/25/35 andy 258
    tom 3437
    45/52 cindy 2130
    20/25/35 christy 2200
    60/40 rachel 2549
    40/30 kim 2535
    25/20/40 kathy 2834
    brian 2915
    15/25/35 becca 2511
    vicki 3257
