Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Sunday, February 3, 2013

WOD 020413

Turkish Get Ups - 53#KB/45#bar
ManMakers 35#DB
It's the beginning of the month. Please get your dues in.
Also, don't forget, we are having a "Biggest Winner" WOD on Friday, Feb 15th, and like all great Militia Box events, we eat food and have a great time. Everyone is invited, not just those of us who participated in the contest. It will be at the 5:30 WOD, bring your own beverage, and we were thinking of ordering pizza from Messangers so we don't have to cook. So, 10$ a person. Just make your check to The Militia Box.

1 comment:

  1. 40/35 clayton 2525
    35/35 jeff 2322
    25/25 whitney 2419
    rx 25/20 bridgett 2442
    mod sharon 2406
    8 rox 2416
    8/10 jan 2356
    15/20 hal 3740
    25/20 jessica 4104
    52/40 doug 1758
    25/25 ray 1922
    35/35 BBB 2308
    45bar/35 chris 2646
    60/40 deny 2736
    25/25 VB 3045
    52/35 ryanR 2815
    20/25 gordon 2534
    25/25 kelsey 2810
    sue 2151
    52/40 ryanW 1953
    25/25 dallas 2242
    30/30 bob 2159
    35/35 pete 2139
    20/20 stevie 2137
    40/30 rachel 2058
    25 kathy 2756
    25/25 kim 2949
    52/40 tony 1912
    35/35 sean 2052
    rx 25/25 christy 2320
    rx 25/25 cindy 2430
    ramie 2106
    jacob 2551
