Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Sunday, September 9, 2012

WOD 091012

8 Rounds
80% Body weight Hang Cleans 20 Seconds
Rest 10 Seconds
80% Body Weight Push Presses 20 Seconds
Rest 10 Seconds
Count Reps for Hang cleans/Push Presses
Try to practice our hook grip.
Thank you Chad for our AWESOME Atlas Stones! Probably going to be a regular Sunday WOD so if you would like to learn how to use them start showing up on Sunday.
Congratulations Josh for getting your muscle ups!
Quote:  Experience: the most brutal of teachers. But learn, by God do you learn...C.S. Lewis


  1. i drove by and saw Chad loading those Atlas Stone... that looked like a workout in itself...

  2. 115 clayton 47
    115 josh 42
    75 ryan 61
    80 vicki 45
    45 bridgett 108
    95 pete ?
    65 sharolyn ?
    DB 25/15 jeff ?
    25 nancy 72
    25 serona 67
    85 jessica 40
    35 rox 61
    35 sharon 102
    45 court 117
    35 jan 109
    165 doug 52
    95 ray 92
    115 LT 65
    170 chrisMc 36
    155 scottie 56
    145 ryanW 70
    85 kim 46
    115 brody 46
    75 kelsey 56
    115 derek 71
    DB 30 kathy 67
    75 shawn 40
    85 christyD 46
    70 cindyT 46
    70 donna 46
    55 toni 81
    115 rachel 59
    65/55 amanda 57
    115 mike 92

