Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Monday, June 6, 2011

Regionals WOD 4

100 Pull Ups

100 Kettle Bells

100 Double Unders

100 Overhead squats

This will be scaleable to those of you who need it. Please sign up for the biggest loser if you haven't yet and invite your friends to try us. Summer is a great time to get in shape.

1 comment:

    Rx Rachel 2711
    Rx Scott3640
    Doug 2641
    75 F Ray 3323
    65 Brian 3703
    15 Sue 3713
    15 Sue 3713
    15 Gordon 4159
    45 Jessica 3845
    Rx Tony 3641
    65 Ryan 3440
    15 Marissa 2825
    35 35/15 Kim 3901
    20 Lyndsay 4012
    65 Byron 4440
    Rx Anthony 638
    Vicki 4642
    Becca 5143
    65 Eric 5142 w/vest
    65 Tom 5729
    Chris 4140
    Kenzie 4110
    Erik 4900
    Carol 3507
    35 Kathy 3903
    35 Dallas 4000
    Brody 4151
