Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Crosstown Throwdown WOD 1

8 Min AMRAP 4 Toes to Bar 8 Power Cleans 65/95 12 Burpees This is a sprint guys! Give me everything you have. I expect you laying on the floor in your own puke and sweat. 5min rest...Then...100 overhead lunges. If you still want to represent our gym in the competition please go to and register. Also, a couple of you have inquired about your kids working out in the gym. Kids fall under our "under 18" at $50 a month. If you want to pay per session it would be 7$ a session. Otherwise lets have kids play in the play room. It's a little small but if we can keep the heating bills down we have plans for a larger kid room soon. Also we want to keep all the kids safe so police the little ones.

1 comment:

  1. 65 kelsey 83
    2/3 rx tom 100
    rx gary 98
    45 christy 102
    45 christy 102
    45 cindy 100
    65 brad 81
    rx LT 90
    rx byron 128
    65 bill 1342
    65 sharolyn 105
    35 MaryAnn 95
    rx chris 79
    rx luedd 58
    rx rachel 148
    rx eric 147
    35 lynds 128
    85 david 86
    65 clayton 69
    35 bridget 58
    35 whitney 112
    65 becca 94
    45 rona 76
    15 roxanne 85
    35 jan 96
    65 jessica 73
    95 jonesy 120
    45 brooke 96
    rx chuck 146
    rx ryan 134
    rx bryce 96
    rx brody 98
    rx doug 141
    rx scott 144
    rx tony 152
    25 cooper 172
    95 simmer 75
    rx kathy 100
    35 dallas 110
    95 andy 83
    75 gordon 76
    rx chad 102
    rx donna 78
    rx nicole 96
