Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

WOD 042210

4 Rounds

20 Dumbell Snatches (10 each arm)
20 Sledge Hammers (10 each arm)
20 Knees to Elbows (or toes to bar)
100 Jump Rope

Start and End with a 400 m Run


  1. Dug 24:48
    Ryan 28:23
    Christy 25:00
    Cindy 26:55
    Tonna 26:15
    Kim T 32:54
    Tracy 32:31
    Dan 26:56
    Libby 26:20
    Steph 30:52
    Kathy 28:57
    Hunter 17:41
    Kaylene 29:22
    Dallas 29:57
    Shannon 34:30
    Brody 18:46
    Donna 30:37
    Kim D 44:56
    Kim Mc 42:03
    Shawn 36:48
    Janice 42:03

  2. I am feeling the burn of pushing myself for the last couple days!!! Since I am increasing my weight and doing good with that I need to foucs on my time. Push thru the pain and keep going! I will get there!! One WOD at a time!!
