Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

WOD 042011


8 Rounds...20 seconds on...10 seconds rest of...

Push Ups (hands off deck)

Jumping Air Squats

Sit Ups w/weight
Overhead lunges

Welcome to The Box Rob! Hope you had fun.

QUOTE:Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable...Finley Dunne...sounds like CrossFit to me.


  1. 15 Minute AMRAP

    2 Deadlifts
    4 Handstand Push-ups
    6 Pistols

    225# Chuck 14 rounds 2DL, 4HSPU, 3P

  2. name..number
    Linda 38
    Donna 36
    Gordon 38
    Kathy P. 30
    Mickie 37
    Jessica 23
    Mandy 38
    Tonna 40
    Brian 37
    Ray 47
    Tony 36
    Janette 42
    Tif 40
    Luke 46
    Marissa 38
    Ryan 39
    Kathy W. 32
    Kim T. 29
    Doc 25
    Eric 25
    Shawn 34
    Teresa 32
    Debbie 16
    Chris 31
    Byron 36
    Ton 21
    Kim 28
    Janice 30
    Pete 30
    Erik 30
