Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Sunday, May 1, 2011

WOD 050211

Run 800m

10 DB Presses

1 Box Jumps

9 DB Presses

2 Box Jumps

8 DB Presses

3 Box Jumps get the idea

Run 800m at end

It's that time of the month again...also, please don't walk through the expansion area, walk through the grass, it's safer. ALSO...Congratulations Eric for getting your muscle ups!!!!


  1. 15/20 mickie 1912
    12 linda 1912
    25 gorodn 2049
    15 sue 2247
    15/20 kathyF 2208
    20 jessica 2530
    ray 1858
    30 rachel 2029
    55 scott 2212
    ryan 2334
    20 tif 1854
    4045 luke 1953
    4045 jarod 3028
    20 kimT 2500
    40 byron 2122
    10 becka 2850
    20 kathyW 2120
    15 toni 2133
    40 tomD 732 1/2
    15 teresa 1457
    12 peggy 1840
    25 tonna 1725
    35 doc 2025
    40 pete 2032
    45 mike 2510
    20 kimMc 2444
