Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Monday, May 16, 2011

WOD 051711

10 Handstand Push Ups

20 Pistols

30 Pull Ups

40 Box jumps

50 Wall Balls
60 Lunges

2 minute Farmer Carry

100 Double Unders

1 comment:

    45 Jessica 2600
    25 Mickie 2548
    40 Kathy P. 2932
    60 Scott 1711
    55 rachel 1834
    60 Doug 1830
    35 Tonna 2201
    45 Ray 1742
    45 Tif 23ish
    65 Anthony 1826
    Malika 1830
    43/35 Kim T. 2435
    20 sue 2300
    60 Ryan 2259
    25 Darla 2606
    25 Gordon 2800
    25 Marissa 3003
    25 Vicki 3123
    35 Toni 2512
    70 Eric 1407
    75 Tony 1421
    30 Becca 3328
    65 Luke 1802
    Teresa 2349
    30 Kathy W. 2500
    20 Debbie 2617
    25 Peggy 3314
    40 Carol 2038
    35 Lyndsay 2317
    54 Kenzie 2556
