Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Sunday, May 23, 2010

WOD 052410

Start - Run 400m
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of
Turkish Get Ups
Double Unders
End - Run 400m


  1. Great workouts the past 2 days..My butt hasn't been this sore since my first week!!!!

  2. Chuck: 23:05 using 45# dumbbells for thrusters and a 30# dumbbell for turkish get ups. Tried starting with a 40# KB for turkish get ups. That didnt last long.

  3. name...thruster#...getup#...time
    Shawn 25/8 45:58
    Rachel 75/20 30:01
    Doug 135/45 40:26
    Kathy W 35/12 27:51
    Kathy F 15/5 45:40
    Steph 35/10 31:27
    Jeremy 95/25 31:53
    Shannon 35/10 35:11
    Dan 95/30 31:27
    Libby 35/10 27:41
    Chris 15/8 40:30
    Christy 35/10 29:02
    Cindy 35/10 29:04
    Dallas 35:12 28:11
    Nicole 45/15 39:28
    Kim Mc 25/8 47:09
    Janice 35/12 46:00
