Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Saturday, February 26, 2011

WOD 022711

4 Rounds
5 Manmakers
10 Strict Pull Ups
Run 400 M
Bring your warm clothes and make sure you have something to cover your hands and ears, those are the two things that get the coldest.
Next week is pay week so don't forget. Our new shirts will be coming in soon. Also, reserve a St. Paddy's Day shirt so we know to set them aside for you. They are $20 a piece and they always go fast. We have a list going in the gym.
Jeremy and Tony got their muscle ups yesterday! HOOAHH! Great Job, Militants!
QUOTE: "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...Walt Emerson

1 comment:

    35/30 Brad 2620
    40 Luke 1949
    55 Doug 1959
    40 Jarod 2158
    5 Lindsey 2222
    30 Pete 2244
    10 Toni 2627
    12 Janice 2750
    20 Eric 2200
    35 Rachel 2347
    15 Brody 1908
    15 Kinzy 2230
