Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Sunday, January 2, 2011

WOD 010311

"Plate Day"
10 Rounds
10 Overhead Squats
10 Overhead Lunges
10 Standing Bench Presses overhead
10 Hatchets (each side)
"Bonus for running down the driveway with your plate"

If anyone has any questions on the Biggest Loser please text me or call me at 989-8307. Also, the Valentines Day WOD that is tied to The Biggest Loser will be on Saturday February 12th. If you normally work try to get it off so we will have full team participation. Let's kick in the new year with healthy eating and healthy competition.


  1. Chuck 5K Run Not timed
    100 Push-ups 2:02

    15 Mickie 3345
    15/10 Kathy P 3606
    10 Linda 3459
    25 Ray 2222
    45 Erik 2258
    45 Scott 2912
    1/2 45 Brad 3000
    45 Doug 3308
    10 Cooper 2912
    10 Sue 2221 + Run
    25 Tif 3031 + run
    15 Gordon 3258
    25 Anthony 1938 + Run
    45/25 Chris 3122
    25 Mike 2638 + Row
    25 Byron 2233 + run
    3/4 35 Jeremy 2800
    15 Shannon 3337 + run
    25 Kathy W 3417 + run
    15 shawn 3055 + run
    25 matt 3414
    25 Bob 3358
    35/25/15 Pete 3703
    25/15 Melissa 3200
    15 Beth 3216 + row
    45/25 Jason 3142 + row
    25 Jessica 3051
    35 Jarod 3230 + farmer carry
    25 Dallas 2810 + farmer carry
    15 Brody 2815 + farmer carry
    25 Rachel 1956 + row
