Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Sunday, January 23, 2011

WOD 012411

20 Minutes
5 Wall Climbs
10 Weighted Lunges
50 Flutter Kicks
Welcome to the gym Luis and Bo. Fantastic lifts today, Militants!...Anthony, this WOD is for you...Wall Climbers! And too can have calves like these if you eat your spinach.

1 comment:


    12 linda 5 2/3
    20 kathy p. 5 1/3+4 L
    25 Gordon 5+1wc
    15 Matt 5
    60 Jarod 6 1/3+7L
    30 Tif 5+3WC
    35 Bailey 4 1/3+6 L
    45 Luke 7
    40 Ryan W. 5 2/3 +32 FK
    35 Rachel 6 1/3
    40 Ray 8
    70 Doug 5
    25 Andy 6
    8 Kristen 7 1/2
    15 Shannon 4
    60 Tony 5+4WC
    20 Jessica 5
    20 Shawn 6
    40 Byron 8 2/3
    45 Mike 5 1/3
    40 Chris 6 2/3
    60 Anthony 7
    25 Kathy 5 1/3
    70 Jeremy 6 2/3
    20 Shannon 5 2/3
    25 Brody 5 2/3
    35 Pete 5
    20 Darla 5
    15 Kim Mc. 5 2/3
    30 Dallas 4+1WC
    10 Justin 9
    Kathy P. 9
    Jessica 10
    Matt 9
