Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Sunday, January 30, 2011

WOD 013111

Run 400
50 Box Jumps
50 Kettlebells
Run 400m
50 DB Hang Cleans
50 Sit Ups
Run 400m
It's pay week once again. And with it I bring an announcement. We will be raising our rates on March 1st to $65 a month for 18 and older and $50 a month for 17 and younger. The good news is if you are a member before that date you will be grandfathered into the old price as long as you are a member with us. We did not want to raise our rates but with the expansion that is hopefully in the near future since we are busting at the seams, we need to be able to pay for it. We are blessed to still be the cheapest gym in the valley and we aim to stay that way. Keep it up Militants! By the way...Congratulations Ryan Forrest for getting your muscle-ups! Who's next...


    45 Tony 1939
    20 Mickie 2244
    20 Kathy P. 2727
    30 Jessica 2725
    12 Shannon 1830
    45 Doug 2438
    45 Scott 2325
    35 Ray 2148
    30 Tif 2018
    30/35 Bailey 3230
    40 Sam 2448
    20 Gordon 2509
    10 Sue 2925
    15 Brody 2130
    25 Dallas 2204
    40 Luke 2000
    20 Rachel 2412
    45 Jeremy 1924
    45 Mike 2208
    35/40 Chris 2134
    40 Byron 1810
    40 Ryan W. 1840
    30 Andy 1913
    15 Kathy W. 2444
    15 Kaylene 2210
    25 Shawn 2248
    20 Darla 2738
    12 Justin 1834 + 400
    20 Janice 2220
    15 Kim Mc. 2230
    20 Beth 2445
    25 Melissa 2215
    35 Bob 2000
    Roxy 1850
    35 Pete 1910
    ABS-Jessica 6
    Kathy P. 6
    ELISABETH- Jessica 1800
