Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Monday, January 17, 2011

WOD 011811

Turkish Get ups
Welcome to The Militia Box Shannon, Teresa and Chris! Great Job today. If anyone needs a receipt from me for your dues for the year at the gym for tax purposes please let me know and I'll get those to you.


    12/15 Mickie 2953
    15 Kathy P 3403
    15 Shawn 3034
    10 Linda 3442
    20 Jessica 3407
    45 bar Doug 3114
    45 bar Tony 3554
    35 bar Brad 4253
    20/15/10 Ray 3658
    8/5 Sue 2915
    15/10 Gordon 3140
    20 Tif 3049
    15 Terra 3318
    30 Anthony 3604
    5 Roxy 3323
    20 Nicole 3709
    20 Kathy W 3600
    15 Shannon 3318
    25 Chris 3400
    15 Donna 3508
    25 Ryan W 3532
    45 bar Jeremy 3600
    20 Byron 3232
    15/20 Dallas 3732
    35 Luke 3910
    10 Darla 3639
    25 Pete 3101
    20 Bob 3139
    8 Carol 3206
    15 Brody aka Militia Ninja 3220
    40 Jarod 4439

    Wod w/ ManMakers
    40 Mike 4143
    30 Erik 3400

    Jessica 2mile run 2700

  2. "Elizabeth"

    21-15-9 reps of:
    Clean 135 pounds
    Ring dips

    Chuck 8:21 using 50# dumbbells (squat cleans) and chair dips.
