Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Sunday, December 19, 2010

WOD 122010

20 Minutes
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats

Last week until Christmas. If anyone would like to purchase gift certificates they are only $40. Also, we will have team sign ups for the biggest loser/Valentines Day WOD contest. If you have any questions on what to eat please look up "Crossfit Zone Diet" and pull up the "Meal Plans" pdf files. Print it out and bring it to the gym and I will go over it with you. It's $20 a person for the contest. All money goes into a pot for the team that wins the biggest loser and the team that wins the WOD! So, sign up, it will be fun. Remember, what ever team you pick is the team you are on for both events and only members may join the contest so if you have anyone who would like to join us have them come and try us out. If you're thinking this is going to be difficult eating good at work because people bring junk food or won't support you, try starting a biggest loser at work and make it a money prize. That always gets people motivated.


  1. Chuck: 23 2/3 rounds plus 1 air squat

  2. Erik 15
    Ray 18
    Scott 20
    Doug 21
    Rach 20
    Matt 10
    Mandy 12
    Shawn 16
    Mike 9 2/
    Byron 12
    Chris 13
    Dallas 16
    Libby 11
    Dan 13
    Brody 16 1/3
    Gordon 15
    Sue 17
    Pete 13
    Rocy 18 1/3
    bob 16
    Darla 15
    Melissa 12
    Ryan 14
    Jarod 16 1/3
    Jessica 11

    Ray - WOD #2 = 1736

    Mike WOD #2 = Annie
