Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Sunday, September 12, 2010

WOD 091310

10 Dumbell Thrusters
20 Burpees
30 Wall Balls
40 Box Jumps
50 Push Ups
60 Double Unders
70 Lunges
80 Sit ups
90 Air Squats
100 Single Jump Ropes


    30 Joe 5615 w/pushups
    25 Kyle 3449
    40 Luke 2720
    20 Ray 2740
    15 Shelli 2747
    15 Pam 3503
    20 Mandy C 3055
    40 Rachel 2034
    15 Toni 3405
    40 Jarod 2417
    20 Jessica 3024 & 3823
    45 Scott M 2010
    30 Alex 3109
    10 Nikki 4030
    30 Gary 3811
    25 Tiffany 3505
    40 Sam 3610
    15 Sara 4346
    40 Andy 3901
    15 Nony 4019
    20 Heather 3231
    55 Shawn 1656
    20 Tesha 2546
    45 Jereemy 2743
    20 Shannon 3547
    20 Libby 3120
    42 Mike 3815
    45 Erik 2127
    35 Pete 3725
    25 Scott S 4144
    10 Terra 4144
    20 Brody 2059

  2. Playground WOD Chuck and Tracy
    4 rounds
    5 12' bar climbs
    20 pistols (10 each leg)
    15 pullups
    20 bar dips
    approx 20min to 25min
