Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Sunday, September 19, 2010

WOD 092010

Bear Complexes
Double Unders
When we are no longer able to change a situation we are challenged to change ourselves...Victor Frankl


  1. 4 rounds
    40 yard lunges
    10 handstand pushups
    15 box jumps (20" box)
    20 pull ups
    Candy: 17:00
    Chuck: 17:20

    35 Shawn 3416
    65 Ray 3409
    15 Symone 3441
    35 Pam 4148
    125 Jarod Unfinished
    35 Toni 3813
    45 Jessica 5843
    35 Sara 4144
    35 Nony 4112
    45 Gabe 2331
    65 Gary 3136
    45 tiffany 2930
    65 Sam 3014
    35 Camille 2648
    45 Kathy W 2639
    45 Shannon 2919
    75 Rachel 3106
    115 Erik 3724
    85 Mike 4355
    95/75 Jason 5114
    115 Jeremy 4841
    15 Terra 5010
    65 Scott 4850

    Gary 5905

    Sue 8 rounds
