Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Thursday, October 21, 2010

WOD 102210

100 Overhead Squats
at the top of every minute do 7 Sit Ups
25 Double Unders at the end
Hooahh to all you burpee lovers...great job guys and Jessica (who by the way is the only girl that is actually getting all her burpees done) Great job Jess!


  1. Ray said -- 100 (10:44) on 10/22 and 100 (10:34) on 10/23. Jeremy, glad to know someone is reading these. I know it must be terribly exciting to see someone trudge through life doing burpies. I was just trying to to add some variety! Take care and will see you all next week.

  2. You have no idea Ray how excited I get reading your comments. You are everyones hero in this we are all really jealous that you are in Hawaii and we are not. It will be good to have you back. :)

  3. Chuck 15:01 @ 95#
    100 Burpees 5:10!! New PR

  4. 10 reps: 10 air squats, 10 lunges, 10 pushups, 10 sit ups (11:48) followed by 100 burpees (12:57)

    15 Mandy Mc 1221
    15 Jessica 1744
    15 Toni 938
    95 Jarod 2144
    15 Darla 1147
    95 Chuck 150
    15 Kathy 833 + 100 situps
    95 Tony 925
    15 Tif 1057
    15 Shannon 833
    115 Erik
    15 Nicole 916
    15 Melissa 917
    15 Sue 1138
    15 Tammie 1240
    15 Roxy 1327
    15 Terra 1329
