Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Saturday, November 27, 2010

WOD 112810


Ring dips

This is for the most of us that didn't get into the gym on Saturday.
Plus it was Chucks request and I'm sure he's gonna do his best to beat Erik.


  1. 100 Dumbbell Squat Clean Thrusters
    3 Burpees at the top of each minute
    For time:

    Chuck 35# 19:35
    200 situps

    I'll be sure to do "Elizabeth" this week and try and give Erik a run for his money. Sorry everyone for not making this past Saturday. Was feeling a bit under the weather.

  2. Ray - 100 situps and static HR (2:03)

    65 Rachel 900
    135 Erik 614
    65 Ray 1009
    135 Mike 1206
    135 Tony 620
    65 Toni 757
    85 Pete 612
    135 Doug 518
    75 Andy 751
    35 Kathy P 525
    65 Kathy W 743
    65 Dallas 729
    65 Brody 810
    65 Jessica 829

    Mike 30:52 w/75#
