Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

WOD 120110

6 Rounds
2 Minute Farmer Carry (heavy)
12 Push Presses
12 Box Jumps
12 Sumo High Pulls

Can you believe it's December already! Challenge for the month...100 Airsquats everyday. I also wanted to add a food challenge, but I didn't want to take the joy of eating out of December but I would like to add a bit of health to it. Challenge yourself to drink 32oz to 64oz of water every day. This is going to prepare you for our challenge in January which I want you to think about. We will be doing a biggest loser challenge starting January 1st and going until Valentines Day. It will be a team challenge so seek out your team now. This will keep you all accountable and encouraged. We will weigh you and calliper you (Tony, I need your callipers) on Jan 1st. Then before the V-Day WOD we will do it again and then you and your team will do the workout together. We will do a buy in of $20 a person if you want to be in the challenge and it will go in the winners pool. Which ever team lost the most weight by percentage wins. I will put team sign ups on the board and you can choose what team you want to be on. So enjoy December because it's strict eating in January.

Also, don't forget, it's pay week. See you all tomorrow.


  1. Sorry not driving today........

    Annie: 11:14

    Kathy P

  2. Kathy completed November challenge of 3000 situps!!

    40 Toni 3009 55
    45 Jessica 3752 65/55
    55 Jarod 3518 95
    30 Ray 2440 65
    40 Erik 3235 95
    40 Chris 2440 75
    25 Kathy W 2730 55
    45 Mike 2930 105
    40 Pete 2829 85
    40 Roxy 2142 25
    45 Bob 2300 65
    35 Melissa 2900 55
    30 Beth 2900 45
