Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Monday, August 2, 2010

WOD 080310

5 Rounds
5 Hang Cleans
10 Dips
15 Burpees
Man! What an awesome turnout for the Kris Jensen Hero WOD! Great job everyone you did fantastic! Also don't forget..there won't be a 3:30 or 4:30 class tomorrow because I will be running the Airforce recruits through a workout. But 5:30 is still on. And don't forget it's Pay Week. See you alltomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Jeremy @135 1238
    Shannon @55 1632
    Kim @55 1727
    Nicole @55 1340
    Janice @55 1745
    Kathy F @35 1736
    Kathy W @55 1430
    Donna @45 1438
    Erik @135 1357
    Joe @65 2123
    Alex @105 1415
    Tiffany @45 2001
    Sgt Henry @95 2048
    Christina @45 2134
    Shawn @55 1140
    Gary @75 1340
    Jarod D @35 2000
    TJ @135 1347
    Camille @45 1430
    Heather @55 1528
    Dallas @25 1008
    Hannah @55 1119
    Brody @55 1044
    Rabon @115 1555
    Tee @95 1501
    Travis @115 1436
    Jarod C @95 1109
    Jessica @45 1644
    Jonah @85 1454
    Luke @95 1435
    Ray @85 2014
    Symone @15 1630
    Emily @55 1143

    Jessica returned 3 times today. She completed a 3 mile run at 3141. This is 12 minutes faster that her previous attempt. She then rowed a 5K on the concept at 2844. Very proud Jessica. Jumpim in with both feet. Good to see.
