Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight....Psalms 144:1

Monday, August 16, 2010

WOD 081710

8 Rounds
jog 200m
sprint 200m
rest 1 minute
Everyone bring their stop watches and ipods. Also, congratulations to Erik for getting his first muscle ups today!! It was awesome! You all did fantastic. Welcome Andy to The Militia Box! See you all tomorrow.


  1. Symone 3121
    Mandy C 2437
    Margaret 2836
    Jessica 2911 + another mile
    Toni 2744
    Jarod C 2106
    Alex 2245
    Andy 2313
    Gary 2635
    Gabe 2129
    Dallas 2708
    Brody 2704
    Luke 1919
    Sam 2236
    Tiffany 2929
    Kathy W 2753
    Rachel 2109
    Nony 3350
    Bryce 2200
    Tyler 2844
    Jarod 2803
    Rabon 1756

  2. Chuck: 21:11. Did this one at the track by my house today. Great job everyone!
